Why do we need donations?
Haringey Green Party officers & volunteers donate our time freely but the actions we take also require funding and currently our primary source of funds is from donations.
Our most significant cost by far is printing – for example 5000 newsletters costs £250, 500 A3 posters costs £130, and 500 A4 posters costs £70.
Therefore please consider donating if you can afford to do so, it will have a huge impact on our ability to take action!
Regular/recurring donations help us even more because more predictable funding helps us both to plan ahead and to consider undertaking more ambitious actions than we otherwise would be able to.
Donate by card
Donate by standing order
To set up a donation to us by standing order please use the following details:
Account name (Business) | Haringey Green Party |
Account number | 02007900 |
Sort code | 16-58-10 |