Haringey Green Party supports Ban The Bailiffs Campaign

Report written by Robert Magowan

Haringey Green Party is supporting a community campaign to end the use of bully bailiffs in our borough. 

The use of bailiffs remains widespread in Haringey, with thousands of council tax debts passed onto bailiffs every year in this borough alone.

This is despite the Council introducing an ‘Ethical Debt Reduction Policy’ two years ago which promised to protect people from bailiffs.

Data provided by Haringey Council shows that bailiffs are used most frequently in the most deprived parts of the borough.

ACORN Haringey is a community union leading the campaign, and over 25 local organisations have signed their open letter, including food banks, trade unions and community leaders.

A number of councils have already decided to end the use of bailiffs, including Southwark Council and Brighton & Hove Council just last month.

ACORN Haringey say: “It is time for Haringey Council to change course. With the rocketing cost of living pushing more and more residents to the point of insolvency, this is more urgent than ever.

“We call upon Haringey Council to cease using bailiffs to collect council tax debts, and to focus instead on working with struggling residents to agree affordable repayment plans.

“We call upon Haringey Council to ban the bailiffs.”

Haringey Green Party is proud to support this campaign and encourages all residents to sign their petition here.

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