
Ivatt Way Green Petition

Haringey Green Party supports the petition against the proposed development of Ivatt Way green space, N17. The development proposes to building on open green space. Whilst we agree with the need for more housing in the borough, Haringey Council has identified West Green as a ward without enough open space, and the council should protect and enhance the borough’s existing green spaces, including Ivatt Way, which is used and enjoyed by Ivatt Way residents and others in the community. Ivatt Way green space is rich in nature and biodiversity. Removing 24 trees, as well as a wild meadow and a wealth of bushes and shrubs, will destroy existing habitats. Protecting green space is not in opposition to providing new housing, and all developments should include decisions on the environmental impact, which should be zero, where possible, better sites must be found for the development of housing within the borough. You can sign the petition by clicking the link HERE.

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